Conference Invitation

1625 Myrtle Ave

Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, 44221

April 5, 2024

To those gathered to the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ elsewhere:
Brethren, we acknowledge that the days we live in are perilous and that the time is imminent when we will hear the shout. We shouldn’t be surprised at what we see around us. The Lord has given a clear description in 2 Timothy 3 of what would characterize the last days. “Men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy” and more. Yet, He would not have us to be discouraged! In Luke 21:28, it says to “…look up, and lift up your heads, for your redemption draweth nigh.” The Lord would have us to be filled with hope and earnest expectation of His near return!

In Hebrews 10:25, “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching”, the Lord places particular emphasis on the need to be together collectively, and to exhort each other, as we see the Day approaching. As such, and after prayerful consideration, we believe the Lord has once again opened the door to invite you to join us for special meetings once again in Carrollton, Ohio. The meetings will begin, Lord willing, with prayer on Friday, July 5 at 3:00pm and will continue through Lord’s Day afternoon, July 7. The conference location is at Camp Muskingum, which is the same as in previous years. We also would like to invite the young people for two days of activities and meetings, beginning July 3 just prior to the conference and concluding at lunch on July 5. A separate letter regarding the time for the young people is attached with this letter.

If you plan to attend, please register no later than June 16, either online at or alternatively by contacting Joe Smith (Email:, Phone: 330-603-8646) no later than June 16. If you would prefer to stay in the local hotel rather than in the camp dorms, please indicate as such when registering.

We would appreciate your prayers for our time together, and particularly for the leading of the Spirit during the meetings and for the encouragement of the Lord’s people.

Signed on behalf of those gathered to the Lord’s Name in Cuyahoga Falls:

Ted Allan & Mark Hapanowicz & Michael Hapanowicz